Bsw Learning Contract Example

BSW Learning Contract Example: A Guide for Social Work Students

A learning contract is a document that outlines the goals and expectations of a learning experience between two parties. In social work education, learning contracts are commonly used to help students identify their own learning needs and to create a clear plan for achieving their goals. The BSW Learning Contract Example is a guide for social work students to help them understand how to craft an effective learning contract.

What is a Learning Contract?

A learning contract is a written agreement between a student and a supervisor or faculty member that outlines the student`s learning goals, objectives, and activities. The contract sets specific expectations for what the student will do to achieve their goals, as well as how the supervisor or faculty member will support the student`s learning.

Why Use a Learning Contract?

Learning contracts are beneficial for both students and supervisors/faculty members. For students, a learning contract helps them identify their own learning needs and create a plan for achieving their goals. The contract provides a structure for their learning and helps them stay accountable for their progress. For supervisors/faculty members, a learning contract provides a clear understanding of the student`s learning needs, goals, and progress. It helps them tailor their support and feedback to the student`s individual needs.

How to Create an Effective Learning Contract

The BSW Learning Contract Example provides a step-by-step guide for social work students to create an effective learning contract.

Step 1: Identify Learning Goals

The first step is to identify your learning goals. What do you want to learn? What skills do you want to develop? These goals should be specific and measurable.

Step 2: Identify Learning Activities

Once you have identified your learning goals, you need to identify the activities you will undertake to achieve them. These activities should be specific and achievable.

Step 3: Identify Resources

Identify the resources you will need to complete your learning activities. These resources may include books, articles, online resources, or other materials.

Step 4: Set Deadlines

Set deadlines for completing your learning activities. These deadlines should be realistic and achievable.

Step 5: Identify Criteria for Evaluation

Identify the criteria your supervisor/faculty member will use to evaluate your progress. This could include written assignments, tests, or other assessments.

Step 6: Sign the Contract

Once you have completed your learning contract, sign it along with your supervisor/faculty member. This indicates your commitment to achieving your learning goals.


The BSW Learning Contract Example is an essential guide for social work students to create an effective learning contract. By following the steps outlined in the guide, students can identify their learning goals, create a plan to achieve them, and stay accountable for their progress. This helps students develop essential skills and knowledge, as well as ensuring they receive the support and feedback they need to succeed in their social work education.